The path to building your Medicare insurance business starts with Connie Health

Get more local qualified leads, plus the technology and support you need to excel

Grow your business with Connie Health

  • Bonuses paid as you work to become a Connie team member
  • Comprehensive training
  • Access to prequalified leads
  • Renewals on Connie Health leads
  • AHIP and E & O covered by Connie Health
  • Laptop, virtual phone number, and (recorded) calls
  • Business cards and swag
  • Supportive local management
  • Proprietary tech tools to make you more efficient
    • Provider and medication look up
    • Plan comparison
    • Electronic Scope of Appointment
    • Recorded phone calls

Get comprehensive sales support with Connie Health

Connie Concierge

A team to support your customers after enrollment, so you can focus on sales 


Coordinated certification trainings & support


Compliance & allegation support

Contracting Team

Maintain your good-standing with all the different carriers

“We believe we will transform healthcare in America by empowering consumers to make informed decisions. If consumers choose high-performing plans and providers their health will improve and costs will go down.”

David Luna

Co-founder & President

Connie Health helps its members live healthier while spending less on healthcare.

Rita Bancroft

Local Licensed Insurance Agent

Working for Connie Health has been the highlight of my entire career. Growth, mentorship, the support of a competitive income and increased earnings year over year. The tech is smart, the people are kind and collaborative, and the work is rewarding. Connie is the industry standard to admire.


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