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Medicare in Fort Worth, Texas 2025

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You've come to the right place if you want to learn how to sign up for Medicare in Fort Worth, Texas, or what plans are available. Connie Health gathered the vital details you need to sign up for Medicare, including your plan options in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, and Medicare providers in your area.

2025 Medicare Facts for Fort Worth

Original Medicare (Parts A & B)

Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage)

Read more about Medicare Advantage plans in Fort Worth.

Medicare Part D (Prescription drug coverage)

Read more about Medicare Part D plans in Fort Worth.

Medicare Supplement (Medigap)

Read more about Medicare Supplement plans in Fort Worth.

What is Medicare?

Medicare is a health insurance program created by the government. There are 5,424,228 million people in the United States who have Medicare. And there are 313,499 Medicare-eligible people in Fort Worth. If you're eligible for Medicare, you're in good company.

People who are 65 years old or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or other qualified illnesses can get help from Medicare to pay for medical costs like doctor visits, hospital stays, and other treatments.

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Medicare Plans in Fort Worth

Original Medicare (Part A and B) is the most basic coverage offered by the government for people who are eligible for Medicare. You enroll in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B when you first become eligible for Medicare.

There are also plan options that expand Original Medicare coverage. These options include Medicare Advantage (Part C), stand-alone Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D), and Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans.

Medicare Coverage Plan Connie Health

Most Medicare beneficiaries expand their coverage because Original Medicare doesn’t have an out-of-pocket maximum. Without expanded coverage, you could expose yourself to high out-of-pocket costs, a financial risk.

By enrolling in a Medicare Supplement and/or a Medicare Part D stand-alone prescription drug plan, you get help with some or all of your Medicare out-of-pocket costs, plus prescription drug coverage.

With a Medicare Advantage plan, you receive your coverage in a single plan: Medicare Parts A and B, as well as comprehensive dental, vision, and hearing coverage. Plus, most plans include prescription drug coverage. 55.22% of Medicare beneficiaries in Fort Worth are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan.

Connie Health can help you compare your plan options and find the one that suits your unique health and budget needs. Call 1-888-369-12111-888-369-1211 to speak with a licensed local agent.

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When to Enroll in a Medicare Plan in Fort Worth

Knowing when to enroll or make plan changes can help you save money.

Are you enrolling in Medicare for the first time, or are you interested in changing your plan? Skip to the section that applies to you - and mark the dates in your calendar.

Enroll for the First Time

If you’re new to Medicare, the best time to enroll is during your Initial Enrollment Period. If you miss that, you can still enroll during the General Enrollment Period (January 1 - March 31) or Special Enrollment Period, but likely with penalties.

Make A Plan Change

The best time to change a plan is during the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (October 15 - December 7). During this period, Medicare beneficiaries can review their plan options for the coming year and ensure that their plan choice meets their health and budget needs.

Annual Enrollment Period Connie Health

If you need to make a plan change because you moved to a new service area or lost coverage, among other reasons, you could qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.

Whether enrolling for the first time or changing plans, Medicare in Texas can be confusing. However, you don’t have to sift through your options alone. A local licensed agent can help. Call 1-888-369-12111-888-369-1211 to speak with an agent today.

How to Sign Up for Medicare

There are several ways to enroll in Medicare. You can enroll in Original Medicare or select a plan via Medicare's website, consult with a representative from a local SHIP, enroll directly with an insurance provider, or use the services of an insurance broker or agent. Given the various options available, we encourage you to contact a licensed Connie Health agent to discuss your Medicare enrollment.

With Connie Health, you can compare Medicare plans online or by meeting with a licensed Connie Health agent in your area. A local licensed agent can review your Medicare plan options with you over the phone, face-to-face at a location of your choice, or through a video call, based on your preference

To set up an appointment or explore your Medicare plan options, call 1-888-369-12111-888-369-1211.

Need help deciding the right Medicare Coverage for you?

Connie Health Support

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Connie Health Local

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Medicare Doctors Near Me in Fort Worth, Texas

Are you having trouble finding doctors who accept your plan? The search for a trustworthy physician can feel overwhelming, but there is no need to worry. Say goodbye to endless phone calls and time-consuming online searches.

Our convenient online platform modernizes the process. Enter your address and plan information, and let Connie Health do the heavy lifting. We'll locate Medicare doctors near you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is a Medicare office near me in Fort Worth, Texas?

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Where are Medicare brokers near me in Fort Worth, Texas?

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Where is a Medicare agent near me in Fort Worth, Texas?

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Where is a Medicare doctor near me in Fort Worth, Texas?

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What is Medicare?

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Does Medicare cover dental in Fort Worth, Texas?

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What is Medicare Part B?

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How to sign up for Medicare in Fort Worth, Texas?

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What does Medicare Part A cover?

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Who is eligible for Medicare?

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How much is Medicare Part B?

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How old do you have to be to get Medicare?

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When can I apply for Medicare?

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Do all doctors accept Medicare in Fort Worth, Texas?

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How to apply for Medicare in Fort Worth, Texas?

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What is the best Medicare Supplement plan in Fort Worth, Texas?

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What is the best Medicare Advantage plan in Fort Worth, Texas?

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How do I compare Medicare plans in Fort Worth, Texas?

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Where can I get more information about Medicare plans in Fort Worth, Texas?

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Medicare plans may be available in the following zip codes in the Fort Worth, Texas. 76101, 76102, 76103, 76104, 76105, 76106, 76107, 76109, 76110, 76111, 76112, 76113, 76114, 76115, 76116, 76118, 76119, 76120, 76121, 76122, 76123, 76124, 76129, 76130, 76131, 76132, 76133, 76134, 76135, 76136, 76137, 76140, 76147, 76148, 76150, 76155, 76161, 76162, 76163, 76164, 76166, 76179, 76181, 76185, 76190, 76191, 76192, 76193, 76195, 76196, 76197, 76198, 76199


“2023 Medicare Supplement Loss Ratios.” National Association of Insurance Commissioners.


“Fact sheet - Medicare Open Enrollment, 2025,”

“Find a Medigap policy that works for you.”

“MA State/County Penetration.”

“Monthly PDP Enrollment by State/County/Contract.”

“Prescription Drug Coverage - General Information.”

“Social Security Office Locator.” The Official Website of the U.S. Social Security Administration.

“The State of Medicare Supplement Coverage.” AHIP.

Last updated: February 21, 2025

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